Section 1: The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, a Vice President of Programs and Regional Representative, a Vice President of Membership and Recruitment, a Vice President of Competitions and Community Service, a Recording Secretary, and Public Relations Secretary.
Section 2: All officers shall be elected at the annual state conference, to take office at the time of their induction and serve until the next induction. Induction will occur at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Section 3: To be eligible to hold an office, the candidate must be an active member in grades 9 – 12 of an Educators Rising-Ohio affiliated chapter and must maintain membership in a sponsoring chapter throughout the term of office. The candidate must mail an application to be a candidate plus a letter of support from a Teacher Leader. The candidate must be present at the state conference, either with his/her Teacher Leader or with a Teacher Leader who has indicated willingness to accept the responsibility of state sponsorship.
Section 4: The term of office for the officers shall be one year or until their successors are duly elected or appointed. Incumbents are eligible to seek reelection for an additional year if eligible.
Section 5: Every officer shall keep a permanent file for his/her office. These shall be handed over to the incoming officers upon election at the state conference.
Section 6: The President:
Shall be the Chief Executive officer of the Association;
Shall represent the association as spokesperson on matter of policy or assign responsibility for such representation;
Shall aid in preparing the agenda and preside at all meetings of the Association;
Shall serve as Member Ex Officio on all committees;
Shall appoint the chairperson and members of such committees as are deemed necessary;
Shall approve all official communications sent out in the name of the Association;
Shall request a member of the Executive committee to serve as a liaison to each committee;
Shall serve as a delegate to the House of Delegates; and
Shall have working knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
Section 7: The Vice-President of Programs and Regional Representatives:
Shall preside in the temporary absence of the President;
Shall be an assistant to the President;
Shall have the lead role in the development and completion of programs adopted by the Executive Committee that foster the mission of the Association;
Shall have the lead role in the development of state officer proposals for presentations at regional, state, and/or national events;
Shall perform other duties as delegated by the President and/or the Executive Committee;
Shall assume the office of President upon death or resignation of the President;
Shall serve as a delegate to the House of Delegates; and
Shall have a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
Section 8: The Vice-President of Membership and Recruitment:
Shall preside in the temporary absence of the President and Vice President of Programs;
Shall be an assistant to the President;
Shall have the lead role in efforts to maintain and increase chapter and individual memberships;
Shall work with the Public Relations Secretary to increase awareness of and interest in Educators Rising-Ohio;
Shall assist in monitoring and updating any social media websites on which EdRising-Ohio maintains an account;
Shall perform other duties as delegated by the President and/or the Executive Committee;
Shall serve as a delegate to the House of Delegates; and
Shall have a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
Section 9: The Vice-President of Competitions and Community Service:
Shall preside in the temporary absence of the President, the Vice President of Programs and the Vice President of Membership
Shall be an assistant to the President
Shall have the lead role in communicating with Teacher Leaders and members to develop and coordinate participation in regional, state and national events and community service events;
Shall assist in monitoring and updating any social media websites on which EdRising-Ohio maintains an account;
Shall perform other duties as delegated by the President and/or the Executive Committee;
Shall serve as a delegate to the House of Delegates; and
Shall have a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
Section 10: The Recording Secretary:
Shall keep on file a list of all chartered chapters;
Shall keep a record of all meetings;
Shall keep an up-to-date file on all communications including the report and minutes of the Executive Committee
Shall furnish copies of the minutes to the members of the Executive Committee;
Shall prepare and keep in file the names and addresses of:
All chapters,
All the members of the Executive Committee
The officers of all regions,
The officers of all chapters,
Shall serve as a delegate to the House of Delegates; and
Shall have a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
Section 11: The Public Relations Secretary:
Shall receive and keep an up-to-date chronological history of state growth and activity electronically;
Shall serve as the student editor of the newsletter and the website of EdRising Ohio;
Shall be responsible for uploading pictures to the website;
Shall assist in monitoring and updating any social media websites on which EdRising-Ohio maintains an account;
Shall keep a file electronically and a hard copy of all letters received and provide the official correspondence as necessary;
Shall serve as a delegate to the House of Delegates; and
Shall have a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
Section 12: Vacancies:
In the event of the resignation, removal for serious violation of the code of conduct for officers or other just cause, death, or the unexcused absence of an officer of the Executive Committee for three consecutive meetings of the Committee, his/her office shall be declared vacant. Such vacancy shall be filled by the Order of Succession (Bylaw 2). The Executive Committee shall then fill any remaining vacancy as the case may be.
Section 1: If office of president becomes open, the office shall be offered to the vice-presidents. If more than one vice president seeks the president position, the student officers will vote to determine the new president.
Section 2: If any office other than president becomes open, the position will be offered to the all the student officers except the president. If more than one seeks the move, the student officers vote to determine the holder of the vacant position.
Section 3: To fill any remaining vacant student officer positions, the Executive Committee will refer to the last ballot of unelected candidates and offer the open seat to the unelected candidates in order of votes received.
Section 4: If there are no available candidates from the last ballot or none of the unelected candidates accepts the position, the Executive Committee will vote for one of the current non-officer student advisers (Ambassadors) on the Executive Committee if any have been so appointed.
Section 5: If the above Succession of Officer procedures still leaves a student officer position open, the Executive Committee may vote to leave the position open until the next election or may vote on a candidate nominated by members of the Executive Committee.
Section 1: The state Executive Committee shall meet at least nine times a year, including the annual state and national conferences. It may be called into session by the State Department Consultant(s) or at the written request of two-thirds of the members of the Executive Committee with the approval of the State Department Consultant.
Section 2: The duties of the Executive Committee shall include:
- To plan and present the annual state conventions;
To approve the budget and financial reports submitted to it by the Budget Committee and/or Treasurer;
To attend to the business of the Association in the interval between annual meetings of the House of Delegates;
To carry out the policies and programs and that foster the mission of the Association;
To maintain the Association’s relationships with, and abide by agreements with, the Ohio Department of Education and national Educators Rising;
To develop and present leadership training for the state officers and for the affiliated chapters;
To distribute state funds for such expenses as deemed proper;
To receive, modify, approve, or disapprove all reports from standing and special committees of the Association;
To appoint members as necessary to fill vacancies and to complete its mission.
Section 1: A state conference shall be held annually at a time and place chosen by the Executive Committee. In order to facilitate the naming of desirable dates and locations of the convention, the Executive committee shall schedule the state conference at least one year in advance when possible. This conference shall span a maximum of two consecutive days.
Section 2: The makeup of the House of Delegates shall be established by the Executive Committee and guarantee the opportunity for equal representation from the member chapters.
Section 3: The House of Delegates shall propose business items for the Association at its regular annual meeting.
Section 4: The House of Delegates shall elect the state officers.
Section 1: Elections will be conducted under the Standing Rules for the Election to State Office as adopted by the Association Executive Committee.
Section 2: Officers shall be elected by the House of Delegates
Section 1: A quorum for the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of the members in attendance and voting.
Section 2: A quorum for the House of Delegates shall consists of a majority of the eligible delegates.
Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order, newly Revised shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not specified in this Constitution, By-Laws, and Standing Rules.
Section 1: Any provision of these By-Laws may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present and voting at any meeting of the House of Delegates.
Section 1: Membership fees will be charged on a per person basis. Fees will be determined annually by the Educators Rising-Ohio Executive Committee.
Section 2: Conference fees, charged on a per person basis, will be set each year and will be determined by the Educators Rising-Ohio Executive Committee.
Section 1: Amendments to these By-Laws may be introduced and acted upon at any regular meeting of the Executive Committee.
Section 2: Amendments to these By-Laws may be submitted in written form by one or more properly affiliated local chapters ninety (90) days prior to the state conference.
Section 3: The president shall submit in writing to the local chapters of the state any amendment at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual state conference.
Section 4: At the annual state conference, the House of Delegates shall vote on each proposal. To be approved, an amendment must receive a majority vote of the official delegates present and voting.
Section 5: Amendments to these by-Laws shall become effective at the close of the state conference where they were adopted.
Section 1: Membership fees will be charged on a per person basis. Fees will be determined annually by the Educators Rising-Ohio Executive Committee.
Section 2: Conference fees per person will be set each year and will be set by the Educators Rising-Ohio Executive Committee.
Section 1: Amendments to these By-Laws may be introduced and acted upon at any regular meeting of the Executive Committee.
Section 2: Amendments to these By-Laws may be submitted in written form by one or more properly affiliated local chapters ninety (90) days prior to the state conference.
Section 3: The president shall submit in writing to the local chapters of the state any amendment at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual state conference.
Section 4: At the annual state conference, the House of Delegates shall vote on each proposal. To be approved, an amendment must receive a majority vote of the official delegates present and voting.
Section 5: Amendments to these by-Laws shall become effective at the close of the state conference where they were adopted.