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2023-2024 Competition/Contest Guidelines

**Please Note: Remember that there are differences between the competitions and the contests. Please see the information below about the differences between competitions and contests.



There have been many changes, so please read carefully.

  • Schools are no longer able to register with two chapters. For example, East High may not have a junior and a senior chapter.

  • A chapter member may register for only ONE competition/contest, whether individual or team. This means that if a student competes in an INDIVIDUAL/DUAL competition/contest, that student cannot also compete in a TEAM event, and vice-versa.

  • Furthermore, schools are limited to TWO entries per individual/dual competition/contest. For example, East High may only have two contestants in the Public Speaking competition or two entries in the Interactive Bulletin Board contest. Schools are limited to ONE entry per team competition. For example, East High School may only have one Ethical Dilemma team.


*Please Note: You must REGISTER for the conference AND all competitions by February 2, 2024. All materials and videos for prejudged competitions must also be submitted by February 2, 2024. Even if your competition/contest does not have a presubmission requirement, you must still register for the conference AND your competition/contest by February 2, 2024. Please click here for Ohio specific competition/contest guidelines.


The TOP 10 finishers in each competition will qualify for the Educators Rising National Conference.




The three Educators Rising contests are scored differently than the competitions. You must receive a gold rating in order to qualify for the Educators Rising National Conference.


Gold = 97-100

Silver = 90-96

Bronze = 83-89 






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